ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 5.0 System Functions EN | 32
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
The alarm memory plays back in this order:
Table 33: Event Memory Playback
Sequence Indication Event
All indicators off
except MAINS
System disarmed
Zone 4 and AWAY
indicators light
Alarm in Zone 4
Zone 3 and AWAY
indicators light
Alarm in Zone 3
4 AWAY indicator
System armed in
Each event is indicated by a beep and a lit indicator.
Resetting a disarmed 24-Hour Alarm is indicated by
a beep only.
After the last event, three beeps sound to indicate the
end of playback. You can stop the replay at any time
by pressing [AWAY].
If the system is armed in STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2, the STAY indicator shows
the event memory playback. There is no
differentiation between STAY Mode 1
and STAY Mode 2.
If the control panel is powered down, the
memory of all events is saved.
If an ICP-CC488 Control Panel is
partitioned, only ten events per area play
5.3 User Code Functions
5.3.1 Arm or Disarm Both Areas at the Same
This User Code function operates only with
partitioned ICP-CC488 systems and allows User
Codes allocated to both Area 1 and Area 2 to arm or
disarm both areas at the same time.
This feature allows a user to arm or disarm the
system by pressing one extra button rather than
entering a code twice. You can use either the CP5
Area Addressable Codepad (ICP-CP500A) or the
Master Partitioned Codepad (ICP-CP500P) with this
function. To enable this feature, select Option 2 in
Location 501 (refer to Section 19.3.2 Partitioning
Options 2).
To arm or disarm both areas at the same time:
Enter your User Code and press [0][AWAY].
Two beeps sound and both areas are armed or
disarmed from AWAY Mode.
5.4 Hold-Down Functions
Hold-down functions allow easy activation of specific
operations. When you hold down a button for 2 sec,
two beeps sound and the corresponding function
operates. The hold-down functions are listed below.
5.4.1 Arm the System in AWAY Mode
Holding down [#] until two beeps sound arms the
system in AWAY Mode. This hold-down function
operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497
(refer to Section 18.6 Consumer Options 2 on page 83).
This hold down function does not work if
you are using an ICP-CP5 Master
Partitioned codepad (CP500P) with a
partitioned ICP-CC488 Control Panel.
If you are using an ICP-CP5 Area
Addressable Codepad (ICP-CP500A)
with a partitioned ICP-CC488 Control
Panel, this function arms the
corresponding area in AWAY Mode.
5.4.2 Arm the System in STAY Mode 1
Holding down [*] until two beeps sound arms the
system in STAY Mode 1. This hold-down function
operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497
(refer to Section 18.6 Consumer Options 2 on page 83).
If there was no alarm during the armed cycle,
holding down [*] a sec time disarms the system from
STAY Mode 1. To enable single button disarming
from STAY Mode 1 using this hold-down function,
select Option 4 in Location 497.
If an alarm occurred or entry warning was activated,
a valid User Code is required to disarm the system.
Refer to Section 14.3.7 Zone Options 2 on page 63 for
information on programming each zone to be
automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1.
This hold-down function does not work if
you are using an ICP-CP5 Master
Partitioned Codepad (ICP-CP500P) with
a partitioned ICP-CC488 Control Panel.
If you are using an ICP-CP5 Area
Addressable Codepad (ICP-CP500A)
with a partitioned ICP-CC488 Control
Panel, this function arms the
corresponding area in STAY Mode1.
5.4.3 Arm the System in STAY Mode 2
Holding down [0] until two beeps sound arms the
system in STAY Mode 2. This hold-down function
operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497
(refer to Section 18.6 Consumer Options 2 on page 83).
If no alarm occurred during the armed cycle, holding
down [0] a sec time disarms the system from STAY
Mode 2. To enable single button disarming from
STAY Mode 2 using this hold-down function, select
Option 4 in Location 497.
If an alarm occurred or entry warning was activated,
a valid User Code is required to disarm the system.