ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 7.0 Programming EN | 39
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Example (Auto Step Enabled)
To enter the Primary Telephone Number 02 (pause)
9672 1055 when auto step is enabled:
1. Press [0 #].
You are positioned at Location 000 (the Primary
Telephone Number for Receiver 1).
2. Program the number by pressing:
[10 * 2 * 13 * 9 * 6 * 7 * 2 * 1 * 10 * 5 * 5 * 0*]
Example (Auto Step Disabled)
To enter the Primary Telephone Number 02 (pause)
9672 1055 when auto step is disabled:
Press [0 #].
You are positioned at Location 000 (the Primary
Telephone Number for Receiver 1).
To program the number, press:
[10 * # 2 * # 13 * # 9 * # 6 * # 7 * # 2 * # 1 * # 10 *
# 5 * # 5 * # 0 *]
Table 37: Command 965 Defaults
Location Description Default Value Setting
032 Handshake Tone for Receiver 1
1 (Handshake Tone)
033 Transmission Format
4 (Domestic)
034 and 039 Subscriber ID Number
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 (1 Beep)
392 Zone Status Reporting Options
2 (Receiver 2 only)
401 to 402 Open/Close Reports
11, 12 (Open/Close Reports)
403 Open/Close Reporting Options
2 (Receiver 2 only)
424 to 426 System Status – Access Denied
6, 7, 12 (Access Denied)
427 System Status Reporting Options
2 (Receiver 2 only)
428 to 434 Test Report Time
0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 0 (Test Reports)
435 Test Reporting Dialer Options
1 (Receiver 1 only)
7.4.9 Command 999 – Display the Panel
Type or Software Version Number
When using the remote codepad, this command
displays the version of the control panel. Visually
determining which control panel your printed circuit
board (PCB) is set to is difficult because various
control panels use the same PCB.
The codepad displays 8 to indicate the control panel
software, ICP-CC488.
To display the control panel type or software
version number:
1. Enter the Installer Code (the default is 1234) and
press [#] to enter Installer’s Programming Mode.
If you are using the remote codepad, the STAY
and AWAY indicators flash to indicate you
entered Installer’s Programming Mode.
2. Enter [9 9 9 #].
Two beeps sound.
If you are using the remote codepad, the
codepad lights a zone indicator corresponding to
the control panel type. Refer to Section 2.0
Codepad Indicators on page 10 for more
3. Press [#] to exit from this command and return
to the Installer’s Programming Mode.
4. Enter [9 6 0 #] to exit from Installer's
Programming Mode.
Two sound and the system returns to the
disarmed state.
If you are using the remote codepad, the STAY
and AWAY indicators are extinguished to
indicate the system is disarmed.
7.5 Disable Factory Defaults
This feature prevents the control panel from
manually restoring the default settings by the default
button and prevents the use of a programming key to
automatically download to the control panel when
the system is disarmed.
Enter the default setting of 0 for Location 900 to
restore the control panel to its default settings. Enter
15 for Location 900 to restrict the ability to restore
the control panel to its default settings and to require
the Installer Code for future control panel
If the Installer Code is unknown, you must restore
the control panel to your Bosch distributor for
exchange. A nominal fee applies for this service.
The use of this feature is not