For instructions on specifying the original orientation before printing, refer to the following topics, as appropri-
ate for your computer and operating system.
Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Windows) ➔P.129
Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Mac OS) ➔P.130
Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Windows)
Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Windows)
This topic describes how to print an original in landscape orientation after matching the paper orientation, based on
the following example.
Document: An original in landscape orientation
Page size: A4 (210.0 × 297.0 mm)/Letter (8.3 × 11.7 in)
Paper: Roll
Paper type: Plain Paper
Roll paper width: A2/A3 roll (420.0 mm [16.5 in])
Choose Print in the application menu.
Select the printer in the dialog box, and then open the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the Printer
Driver Dialog Box from Applications .") ➔P.144
Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.
In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded. In this case, click Plain Paper.
Make your selection in the E Print Target list.
Make your selection in the F Print Quality list.
Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Windows)
User's Guide
Enhanced Printing Options Other useful settings