ICC Matching Mode and Host ICM Mode
The following options are available when you select ICC Matching Mode or Host ICM Mode in the A Matching
Mode list.
• A Matching Mode
Select the color matching mode to use, as desired.
B Input Profile Settings
You can select Image, Graphics, or Text. You can choose Matching Method and Input Profile.
Various options are available depending on your selected Matching Mode.
To apply the same input profile automatically for Graphics and Text, select Use the Same Profile for All Ob-
jects. To apply separate input profiles to Graphics and Text, clear Use the Same Profile for All Objects and
specify the individual settings.
• C Printer Profile Settings
Specify the printer profile as desired. Normally, select Auto Settings.
We recommend that you select an ICC profile created using commercially available profile creation software in
order to perform color management accurately on paper other than genuine Canon paper and feed confirmed
The created ICC profile needs to be saved in the following folder on the computer you are using.
C:\Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color folder
• C: may vary according to the user environment.
• For details on settings items, see "Adjusting the Color in the Printer Driver." ➔P.37
Matching Sheet
User's Guide
Windows Software Printer Driver