Free Layout (Mac OS)
Besides combining multiple pages in a single-page layout, you can combine originals from multiple files—even
multiple source applications—in a single-page layout.
For instructions on arranging originals from multiple applications, refer to the following topics.
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Windows) ➔P.94
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Mac OS) ➔P.96
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Windows)
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Windows)
This topic describes how to arrange multiple originals using the Free Layout function.
Choose Print in the application menu.
Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the Print-
er Driver Dialog Box from Applications .") ➔P.144
Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Windows)
User's Guide
Enhanced Printing Options Tiling and multiple pages per sheet