• You cannot create any arbitrary roll paper width as a Custom Paper Size.
• If you select a Paper Size from Paper Size Options, load paper of a size equal to or larger than the Paper Size
Options into the printer. If the size of the loaded paper is smaller than the Paper Size Options, an incomplete
output image may be printed.
• To display the Paper Size Options dialog box, on the Page Setup sheet, click Paper Size Options. (See "Page
Setup Sheet .") ➔P.157
A Paper Size List
Shows the names and sizes of paper that can be used with the printer driver.
• B Delete
Custom paper sizes created by users can be deleted from the A Paper Size List, as needed.
However, they cannot be deleted in the following situations.
If a standard paper size of the printer driver is selected.
If an oversized paper size is selected.
If a paper size marked with a red circle is selected.
C Custom Paper Size Name
You can name Custom Paper Size as desired.
• D Units
Specify the desired unit of measure for the Custom Paper Size height and width.
• E Paper Size
Specify the desired Width and Height. You can make your selection from sizes that are compatible with Bor-
derless Printing by selecting Borderless Printing Size. To maintain the aspect ratio of the Width and
Height as you resize the paper, select Fix the Ratio of the Width to Height.
• F Add
Enables you to register the custom paper size you have specified or overwrite an existing custom paper size.
• G Display Series
You can limit the number of options shown in Page Size, Paper Size, and Paper Size List.
Layout Sheet
Layout Sheet
The following settings are available on the Layout sheet. For details on settings items, refer to the printer driver
Layout Sheet
User's Guide
Windows Software Printer Driver