Matching Mode Description Remarks
ICC Matching Mode Enables color matching using ICC pro-
Select this if you want to print by specify-
ing the input profile, printer profile, and
matching method in detail.
This allows you to use ICC profiles for dig-
ital cameras and scanners, ICC profiles
created using the profile creation tool, etc.
Host ICM Mode Enables color matching by the host com-
puter using the ICM function of Win-
Select this if you want to print from an
application that supports the ICM func-
Available when using Windows.
ColorSync Enables color matching by using the
ColorSync function of Mac OS.
Select this if you want to perform soft
proofing using ColorSync before printing.
Available when using Mac OS.
To select ColorSync, choose ColorSync
on the Color Matching panel.
Matching Method Description Remarks
Auto Color-matching optimized for images,
graphics, or text.
The available options and their display or-
der vary depending on your selected col-
or-matching mode, as well as the operat-
ing system.
Perceptual Color-matching optimized for printing
typical photos attractively. Smooth gra-
dation is a feature. This is also an easy-
to-use mode when performing color ad-
justment using application software.
Colorimetric Color-matching optimized for printing im-
age data with accurate colors in input
color space. This is the easiest-to-use
mode when you want to adjust the color
and print. However, gradation may be
lost for colors of wider range than the
color reproduction range of the printer.
Generally, this is also called relative col-
Colorimetric (No Wht-pnt Corr) The processing method of color-match-
ing is identical to Colorimetric. Use this
when you want to further reproduce the
target paper material color of the image
data. Generally, this also is called abso-
lute colorimetric
Saturation Color-matching optimized for printing
posters, etc., vividly.
For instructions on color adjustment, refer to the following topics, as appropriate for your computer and operat-
ing system.
Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows) ➔P.38
Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Mac OS) ➔P.41
Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows)
Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows)
You can specify your own print settings instead of using the Print Target presets. This topic describes how to fine-
tune the color tone of photos before printing.
Choose Print in the application menu.
Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the Print-
er Driver Dialog Box from Applications .") ➔P.144
Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows)
User's Guide
Enhanced Printing Options Adjusting Images