Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Administering Users
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
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Administering Users
The User Admin options allow you to manage user roles and logins:
• Manage Roles—Add, modify, and delete roles (see Managing Roles,
page 5-60).
• Manage Users—Add, modify, and delete user accounts (see Managing
Users, page 5-62).
Related Topic
Modifying Your Profile, page 5-65
Managing Roles
Use this option to add, modify, and delete user-defined roles and to modify
predefined roles. A user’s role determines the tabs and subtabs the user can access.
Users who have access to a subtab can perform all of the tasks under the subtab.
Although you cannot delete predefined roles, you can modify them. The
predefined roles and their default privileges are:
• System administrator—Superuser access to the Wireless LAN Solution
Engine (can perform any task). The password is the password assigned during
initial WLSE setup (using the console). You can change the password using
the console or the WLSE’s Manage Users option (see Managing Users,
page 5-62).
• Network administrator—Monitoring authority, device configuration
authority, and discovery configuration authority.
• Network operator—Monitoring and device configuration authority.
• Help desk—Monitoring authority only.
You can create other roles, which can be modified or deleted.