Appendix B Command Reference
Using the CLI
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Using the CLI
You can use the CLI by:
• Attaching a console to the WLSE
• Accessing the WLSE using Telnet
CLI Conventions
The command-line interface (CLI) uses the following conventions:
• The key combination ^c or Ctrl-c means hold down the Ctrl key while you
press the c key.
• A string is defined as a nonquoted set of characters.
Do not confuse the WLSE’s CLI with the IOS CLI. Though they are similar, they
are not identical.
Command Privileges
Access to CLI commands is controlled by your user account privilege level. Users
with privilege level 15 can use all commands. Users with privilege level 0 can use
only a subset of the commands. The command descriptions in this appendix are
organized by privilege level. For more information about user accounts and
privileges, refer to Administering Users, page 5-60.
Checking Command Syntax
The user interface provides several types of responses to incorrect command
• If you enter a command line that does not contain any valid commands, the
system displays Command not found.
• If you enter a valid command but omit required options, the system displays
Incomplete command.