Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Step 4 Select one of the following:
• Preview to see your changes before you apply them. (See Previewing the
Template, page 3-89.)
• Finish to save the template. (See Finishing the Template, page 3-89.)
• Another template category to configure more options. (See Template
Categories, page 3-2.)
Forward Delay (4-30
Enter the number of seconds to define how long the
bridge’s ports should stay in the listening and
learning transition states if there is a change in the
spanning tree.
Port Configuration
Path Cost (1-65535) Enter a number to indicates the relative efficiency of
a port’s network link.
A port with a high path cost is less likely to become
a bridge's root port.
Priority (0-255) Enter a number to influence whether STP designates
a port as a bridge's root port.
A port with a low priority setting is more likely to
become a bridge's root port.
Enable From the list, select one of the following for each
port configured:
• Enable—Use this setting to indicate whether the
port participates in STP. (This determines
whether the port blocks or forwards traffic.)
• Disable—Use this setting to indicate that the
port does not participate in STP.
Table 3-2 Spanning Tree Protocol Settings (continued)
Field Description