Cisco Unified IP Phone 7906G and 7911G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager
Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco Unified IP Phone
What Features are Supported?
Configuring Telephony Features
You can modify certain settings for the Cisco Unified IP Phone from the
Cisco Unified CallManager Administration application. Use this web-based
application to set up phone registration criteria and calling search spaces, to
configure corporate directories and services, and to modify phone button
templates, among other tasks. See the “Telephony Features Available for the
Phone” section on page 5-2 and Cisco Unified CallManager Administration
Guide for additional information.
For more information about the Cisco Unified CallManager Administration
application, refer to Cisco Unified CallManager documentation, including
Cisco Unified CallManager System Guide. You can also use the context-sensitive
help available within the application for guidance.
You can access the complete Cisco Unified CallManager documentation suite at
this location:
Related Topic
• Telephony Features Available for the Phone, page 5-2
Configuring Network Parameters Using the Cisco Unified IP
You can configure parameters such as DHCP, TFTP, and IP settings on the phone
itself. You can also obtain statistics about a call or firmware versions on the
For more information about configuring features and viewing statistics from the
phone, see Chapter 4, “Configuring Settings on the Cisco Unified IP Phone,” and
see Chapter 7, “Viewing Security Information, Model Information, Status, and
Statistics on the Cisco Unified IP Phone.”