Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Verifying the Phone Startup Process
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7906G and 7911G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager
Verifying the Phone Startup Process
After the Cisco Unified IP Phone has power connected to it, the phone begins its
startup process by cycling through these steps.
1. These buttons blink or flash on and off:
Handset light strip
Hold button
Applications Menu button
2. The screen displays the Cisco Systems, Inc., logo screen.
3. These messages appear as the phone starts:
Configuring IP
Updating CTL
Verifying Load
Configuring CM List
4. The main LCD screen displays:
Current date and time
Directory number
If the phone successfully passes through these stages, it has started up properly.
If the phone does not start up properly, see the “Resolving Startup Problems”
section on page 9-2.
Configuring Startup Network Settings
If you are not using DHCP in your network, you must configure these network
settings on the Cisco Unified IP Phone after installing the phone on the network:
• IP address
• IP subnet mask
• Default gateway IP address