Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 (SCCP and SIP)
Chapter 5 Configuring Features, Templates, Services, and Users
Telephony Features Available for the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Hold Reversion Limits the amount of time that a call can be on hold
before reverting back to the phone that put the call
on hold and alerting the user.
Reverting calls are distinguished from incoming
calls by a single ring (or beep, depending on the
new call indicator setting for the line). This
notification repeats at intervals as long as the call
is not resumed.
A call that triggers Hold Reversion also displays an
animated icon in the call bubble and a brief
message on the status line.
You can configure call focus priority to favor
incoming or reverting calls.
For more information about configuring this
feature, see Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Features and Services Guide,
Hold Status Enables phones with a shared line to distinguish
between the local and remote lines that placed a
call on hold.
No configuration is required.
Hunt Group Display Provides load sharing for calls to a main directory
number. A hunt group contains a series of directory
numbers that can answer the incoming calls.
When an incoming call is offered to a directory
number that is part of the hunt group, this feature
displays the main directory number in addition to
the calling party.
For more information, see:
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Guide,
Hunt List
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager
System Guide,
Understanding Route
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Guide,
CTI Route Point
Immediate Divert Allows a user to transfer a ringing, connected, or
held call directly to a voice-messaging system.
When a call is diverted, the line becomes available
to make or receive new calls.
For more information, see Cisco
Communications Manager Features
and Services Guide,
Immediate Divert.
Allows users to transfer incoming calls directly to
their voice messaging system or to the voice
messaging system of the original called party.
For more information, see Cisco Unified
Communications Manager System Guide,
Cisco Unified IP Phones.
Intelligent Session
Reroutes a direct call to a user’s mobile phone to
the enterprise number (desk phone). For an
incoming call to a remote destination (mobile
phone), only the remote destination rings; the desk
phone does not ring. When the call is answered on
the mobile phone, the desk phone displays a
Remote in Use message. During these calls, a user
can use the various features of the mobile phone.
For more information, see Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Features and
Services Guide,
Cisco Unified Mobility.
Table 5-1 Telephony Features for the Cisco Unified IP Phone (continued)
Feature Description Configuration Reference