Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 (SCCP and SIP)
Chapter 7 Monitoring the Cisco Unified IP Phones Remotely
Accessing the Web Page for a Phone
Accessing the Web Page for a Phone
To access the web page for a Cisco Unified IP Phone, perform these steps.
Note If you cannot access the web page, it may be disabled. See Disabling and Enabling Web Page Access,
page 7-3 for more information.
Step 1 Obtain the IP address of the Cisco Unified IP Phone by using one of these methods:
• Search for the phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager by choosing Device > Phone.
Phones registered with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager display the IP address on the Find
and List Phones window and at the top of the Phone Configuration window.
• On the Cisco Unified IP Phone, press the Settings button, choose Network Configuration, and then
scroll to the IP Address option.
Step 2 Open a web browser and enter the following URL, where IP_address is the IP address of the
Unified IP Phone:
http://IP_address or https://IP_address (depending on the protocol supported by the Cisco Unified IP
The web page for a Cisco Unified IP Phone includes these topics:
• Device Information—Displays device settings and related information for the phone. For more
information, see
Device Information, page 7-4.
• Network Configuration—Displays network configuration information and information about other
phone settings. For more information, see
Network Configuration, page 7-5.
• Network Statistics—Includes the following hyperlinks, which provide information about network
Ethernet Information—Displays information about Ethernet traffic. For more information, see
Network Statistics, page 7-9.
Access (Port)—Displays information about network traffic to and from the PC port on the
phone. For more information, see
Network Statistics, page 7-9.
Network (Port)—Displays information about network traffic to and from the network port on
the phone. For more information, see
Network Statistics, page 7-9.
• Device Logs—Includes the following hyperlinks, which provide information that you can use for
Console Logs—Includes hyperlinks to individual log files. For more information, see Device
Logs, page 7-11.
Core Dumps—Includes hyperlinks to individual dump files. For more information, see Device
Logs, page 7-11.
Status Messages—Displays up to the 10 most recent status messages that the phone has
generated since it was last powered up. For more information, see
Device Logs, page 7-11.
Debug Display—Displays debug messages that might be useful to Cisco TAC if you require
assistance with troubleshooting. For more information, see
Device Logs, page 7-11.