Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 (SCCP and SIP)
Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phones
Creating Custom Background Images
PNG File Requirements for Custom Background Images
Each background image requires two PNG files:
• Full size image—Version that appears on the on the phone.
• Thumbnail image—Version that appears on the Background Images screen from which users can
select an image. The thumbnail image must be 25% of the size of the full size image.
Tip Many graphics programs provide a feature that will resize a graphic. An easy way to create a
thumbnail image is to first create and save the full size image, then use the sizing feature in the
graphics program to create a version of that image that is 25% of the original size. Save the thumbnail
version with a different name than the full size image.
The PNG files for background images must meet the following requirements for proper display on the
Unified IP Phone:
• Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 196 pixels (height)
• Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 49 pixels (height)
Tip If you are using a graphics program that supports a posterize feature for grayscale, set the
number of tonal levels per channel to 16, and the image will posterize to 16 shades of grayscale.
Configuring a Custom Background Image
To create custom background images for the Cisco Unified IP Phone, follow these steps:
Step 1 Create two PNG files for each image (a full size version and a thumbnail version). Ensure the PNG files
comply with the format guidelines that are listed in
PNG File Requirements for Custom Background
Images, page 6-5.
Step 2 Upload the new PNG files that you created to the following subdirectory in the TFTP server for the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager:
Note The file name and subdirectory parameters are case sensitive. Be sure to use the forward slash
“/” when you specify the subdirectory path.
To upload the files, choose Software Upgrades > Upload TFTP Server File in Cisco Unified
Communications Operating System Administration. For more information, see Software Upgrades in
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide.
Note If the folder does not exist, the folder gets created and the files get uploaded to the folder.
Step 3 You must also copy the customized images and files to the other TFTP servers that the phone may
contact to obtain these files.