
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 43 Managing IPS Sensors
Managing IPS Updates
Before You Begin
Configure the IPS Update server as described in Configuring the IPS Update Server, page 43-4.
Related Topics
Checking for IPS Updates and Downloading Them, page 43-5
Selecting a Signature Category for Cisco IOS IPS, page 44-6
Note This note describes a difference between the update packages for IPS 7.1.3 and those used for earlier
versions. When you open the Apply IPS Update wizard (Tools > Apply IPS Update), the first page of the
wizard lists the sensor and signature update packages that are available. Beginning with IPS 7.1.3, a
single update package is used for all supported platforms, such as IPS-4270 and ASA-SSE-AIP-85;
example: IPS-CSM-K9-7.1.3.zip. Prior to IPS 7.1.3, a separate package was used for each supported
platform; example: IPS-CS-MGR-SSC_5-K9-6.2-4-E4.zip.
Step 1 Select Tools > Apply IPS Update to open the Apply IPS Update wizard.
Step 2 On the first page of the wizard, select the update that you want to apply. This page lists the sensor and
signature updates that are available. Do the following on this page:
To update the list of packages, click Download Latest Updates. Security Manager logs into the IPS
Update server and downloads the updates that have become available since the last download. This
works only if you have configured an update server as described in Configuring the IPS Update
Server, page 43-4. You can also update the list of packages by doing the following:
Configure automatic downloads on the IPS Updates page (select Tools > Security Manager
Administration > IPS Updates). For more information, see IPS Updates Page, page 11-30.
Manually download the updates to the CSCOpx\MDC\ips\updates folder in the product
installation folder (typically Program Files) on the Security Manager server.
You can also check for updates without downloading them by clicking Check for Updates. The
Update Status information is the same as described in IPS Updates Page, page 11-30.
Select the signature or sensor update you want to apply to your IPS devices in the Updates
Downloaded table. Use the Type field to toggle between the types of updates (you can select only
one update to apply):
Sensor Updates—Displays the filename, the major, minor, service pack, and patch versions, as
well as the supported engine release. You must apply all major sensor updates, however, minor
updates are cumulative.
Signature Updates—Displays the filename, the signature number, and the supported engine
release. Signature updates are cumulative; however, applying them as separate packages allows
you to separate your work into more manageable units if you intend to tune the updates to match
the specific needs of your network.
Note The engine package is not listed on the update page, but Security Manager implicitly pushes the
engine package automatically in the case of a signature update that requires a higher engine
version. (This occurs only when updating a device with the particular version that the engine
package requires.)
Click Next to continue.