
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
DHCP Policy Page
Field Reference
Table 60-40 IP Pool Dialog Box
Element Description
Pool Name The name of the IP pool.
Network The IP address and subnet mask of the IP pool. This subnet contains the
range of available IP addresses that the DHCP server may assign to
Enter an address and mask or the name of a network/host object, or
click Select to select an object from a list or to create a new one.
Tip You can exclude specific addresses within the range by defining
them in the Excluded IPs field. See DHCP Policy Page,
page 60-92.
Default Router Addresses The IP addresses of the default routers for DHCP clients using this IP
pool. After a DHCP client is booted, it begins sending packets to this
router, which should be located on the same subnet as the client.
Enter up to eight (8) network addresses or network/host objects, or
click Select to select an object from a list or to create a new one.
DNS Server Addresses The IP addresses of the DNS servers that DHCP clients using this IP
pool should query when they need to correlate hostnames to IP
Enter up to eight (8) network addresses or network/host objects, or
click Select to select an object from a list or to create a new one.
NetBIOS (WINS) Server
The IP addresses of the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
servers used by Microsoft DHCP clients to correlate hostnames to IP
addresses within a general grouping of networks.
Enter up to eight (8) network addresses or network/host objects, or
click Select to select an object from a list or to create a new one.
Domain Name The domain name for DHCP clients using this IP pool. This name
places these clients in the general grouping of networks that make up
the domain.
Import All When selected, enables remote DHCP servers to import specific DHCP
options (such as the DNS server) from a centralized server. Use this
option to enable configuration information to be updated automatically.
When deselected, all DHCP options are local to this specific server.
Secured ARP When selected, enables the DHCP Authorized ARP feature, which
limits the leasing of IP addresses to authorized mobile users. This
feature helps prevent IP spoofing by unauthorized users. See
Understanding Secured ARP, page 60-89.
When deselected, the DHCP Authorized ARP feature is disabled.
Note This feature also disables dynamic ARP learning on an