User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 8 Managing Deployment
Overview of the Deployment Manager and Configuration Archive
Configuration Archive Window
The Configuration Archive stores configuration versions for each device managed by Security Manager.
If you delete a device from Security Manager, all of the device’s configurations are also deleted from the
Configuration Archive.
You can use Configuration Archive to:
• View the transcript of a configuration deployment for a selected device.
• View and compare configuration versions.
• View CLI differences between deployed configuration versions.
• Roll back to an earlier configuration version, provided that the configuration originated from the
device. You should roll back configurations only under extreme circumstances. For more
information, see these topics:
Understanding Configuration Rollback, page 8-59
Using Rollback to Deploy Archived Configurations, page 8-66
• Add the current running configuration for a device to the archive.
Resume button Click this button to reactivate a suspended schedule. You are prompted
for a comment to explain the suspension, and an e-mail is generated to
the approver in Workflow mode.
Summary tab Displays summary information about the selected schedule. Besides the
fields shown in the table, summary information includes the number of
devices included in the schedule and the user ID of the person who last
changed the schedule.
Devices tab Displays the devices that are included in the selected schedule. These
are the devices to which configurations are deployed when a
deployment job is created from the schedule. To change the device list,
click Open, then click Add Devices on the Schedule dialog box.
History tab Displays a log of the changes that have been made to the selected
schedule. The information includes the state changes, the user who
made the change, the date and time of the change (based on the Security
Manager server time), and any comments the user entered to document
the change.
Jobs tab Displays a list of the deployment jobs that have been created based on
the selected schedule. Information includes the name of the job, the
date and time the job was created based on server time (not the client
time), and the job status. If you select a job, and click the Deployment
Job tab, the selected job is highlighted and you can view the job details.
For information on job status, see these topics:
• Job States in Workflow Mode, page 8-6
• Job States in Non-Workflow Mode, page 8-4
Table 8-7 Deployment Schedules Tab, Deployment Manager Window (Continued)
Element Description