User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 53 Configuring Multicast Policies on Firewall Devices
Configuring IGMP
Navigation Path
• (Device view) Select Platform > Multicast > IGMP from the Device Policy selector.
• (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Multicast > IGMP from the Policy Type
selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.
IGMP Page - Protocol Tab
Use the Protocol tab to configure IGMP parameters for an interface on the security appliance.
Navigation Path
You can access the Protocol tab from the IGMP page. For more information about the IGMP page, see
Configuring IGMP, page 53-2.
Related Topics
• Configure IGMP Parameters Dialog Box, page 53-4
• Enabling PIM and IGMP, page 53-1
• Configuring PIM, page 53-11
• Configuring Multicast Routes, page 53-8
Field Reference
Table 53- 1 Protoco l Tab
Element Description
Protocol Table
Interface The name of the interface to which the IGMP settings apply.
Enabled Indicates whether IGMP is enabled on the interface.
Version The version of IGMP enabled on the interface.
Query Interval The interval, in seconds, at which the designated router sends IGMP
host-query messages. Valid values range from 1 to 3600 seconds. The
default value is 125 seconds.
Query Timeout The period of time, in seconds, before the security appliance takes over
querying the interface, after the previous appliance has stopped doing
so. Valid values range from 60 to 300 seconds. The default value is 255
Response Time The maximum response time, in seconds, advertised in IGMP queries.
If the security appliance does not receive any host reports within the
designated response time, the IGMP group is pruned. Decreasing this
value lets the security appliance prune groups faster. Valid values range
from 1 to 12 seconds. The default value is 10 seconds. Changing this
value is only valid only for IGMP Version 2.
Group Limit The maximum number of hosts that can join on an interface. Valid
values range from 1 to 500. The default value is 500.
Maximum Groups (PIX 6.3) The maximum number of groups enabled for multicast. Valid values
range from 0 to 2000.