Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 8 CPE History and Troubleshooting
Device Faults
The following operations monitor device faults on the RDU and the DPE:
The RDU and the DPE maintain a list of recurring faults. Each fault contains the date and time of
occurrence, the ID of the device, and a fault description.
Faults automatically expire and are purged from the system as soon as their lifetime expires. After a fault
is purged from the system, the statistics are adjusted accordingly.
Note Cisco BAC limits the number of devices returned in the device fault list on the administrator user
interface to 1,000. If the number of devices with faults exceeds 1,000, the operator will see a message
stating that more devices have faults that just those on the screen.
To avoid impacting performance, Cisco BAC does not store fault information on the disk. If you restart
the server, you will lose fault data that was maintained by that server in its memory. However, if faults
repeat again, they are reported.
Retrieving Device Faults
Device fault information is available using the API and the administrator user interface.
From the API, you can call the following properties:
• Configuration.getRDUDetails—Returns the list of devices with faults at the RDU.
• Configuration.getDPEDetails—Returns the list of devices with faults at the DPE.
• IPDevice.getDetails—Returns information about faults related to the device.
From the administrator user interface, choose:
• Servers > RDU—Displays device fault statistics at the RDU level and aggregated for all DPEs.
Statistics appear for the following periods of time by default: 1, 3, 12, and 72 hours.
• Servers > Provisioning Groups > Manage Provisioning Groups > View Provisioning Group
Details—Displays device fault statistics for each DPE in a provisioning group.
At the RDU:
Failures during instruction generation.
Failures during extension execution.
At the DPE:
Violations of the CPE WAN Management Protocol.
Failures during DataSync instruction processing, which is responsible for discovering data from a
device and updating the RDU.
Failures during FirmwareRules instruction processing, which is responsible for executing firmware
rules configured in the RDU firmware rules templates.
Failures during ConfigSync instruction processing, which is responsible for updating device
configuration according to RDU configuration templates.
Failures during UnknownDevice instruction processing, which is responsible for processing unknown
or unregistered devices.