Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 20 Cisco BAC Support Tools and Advanced Concepts
Using the changeNRProperties.sh Tool
Using the changeNRProperties.sh Tool
The Cisco BAC installation program establishes values for configuration properties used by Cisco BAC
extensions that are incorporated into the Network Registrar DHCP server. You use the
changeNRProperties.sh command, which is found in the BPR_HOME/cnr_ep/bin directory, to change
key configuration properties.
Invoking the script without any parameters displays a help message listing the properties that can be set.
To run this command:
Step 1 Change directory to BPR_HOME/cnr_ep/bin.
Step 2 Run the changeNRProperties.sh command using this syntax:
changeNRProperties.sh options
Where options are:
• -help—Displays this help message. The -help option must be used exclusively. Do not use this with
any other option.
• -d—Displays the current properties. The-d option must be used exclusively. Do not use this with any
other option.
• -s secret—Identifies the Cisco BAC shared secret. For example, if the shared secret is the word
secret, enter
-s secret.
• -f fqdn—Identifies the RDU FQDN. For example, if you use rdu.example.com as the fully qualified
domain name, enter
-f rdu.example.com.
• -p port—Identifies the RDU port you want to use. For example, if you want to use port number
49187, enter
-p 49187.
• -g prov_group—Identifies the provisioning group. For example, if you are using provisioning
group called group1, enter
-g group1.
Examples This is an example of changing the Network Registrar extensions by using the NR Extensions Properties
#sh changeNRProperties.sh -g primary1
Current NR Properties:
RDU Port: 49187
RDU FQDN: rdu.example.com
Provisioning Group: primary1
Shared Secret: fggTaLg0XwKRs
Note You must restart your NR DHCP server for the changes to take effect.
This is an example of viewing the current properties:
#sh changeNRProperties.sh -d
Current NR Properties:
RDU Port: 49187
RDU FQDN: rdu.example.com
Provisioning Group: primary1
Shared Secret: fggTaLg0XwKRs