
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 5 Configuration Templates Management
Using the Configuration Utility
Testing Template Processing for a Cisco BAC Template File and a Device
Use the runCfgUtil.sh command to test the template processing for a file stored in the RDU database
and associated with a device.
Syntax Description
runCfgUtil.sh -cwmp -a gc -r file -o file -i deviceID -u username -p password
-cwmp—Identifies the input file to be processed as a CWMP template file.
-a gc—Specifies instructions for configuration generation.
-r file—Identifies the input file as a file that has been added to the RDU.
-o file—Specifies that the processed template be saved in XML format into the specified file.
-i deviceID—Specifies the device to use. Variable values are retrieved using the device properties.
-u username—Specifies the username to use when connecting to the RDU.
-p password—Specifies the password to use when connecting to the RDU.
To test the template processing for a file stored in the RDU and associated with a device:
Step 1 By using the administrator user interface, add the template file
/opt/CSCObac/rdu/samples/cwmp/sample-cwmp-var-config.xml to Cisco BAC.
Note The sample-cwmp-var-config.xml template has a reference to the
/IPDevice/connectionRequestUsername device property. The API constant for the property is
Step 2 Select a template file to use. This example uses the existing template file, sample-cwmp-var-config.xml.
Step 3 Identify a device that is already in Cisco BAC and use that device’s ID. This example uses a device with
the /IPDevice/connectionRequestUsername property set to testUser.
Step 4 Identify the device to use. This example assumes that the device exists in the RDU and has the variables
set as properties.
Step 5 Run the configuration utility by using this command:
./runCfgUtil.sh -cwmp -a gc -r sample-cwmp-var-config.xml -i OUI-1234 -o output.xml -u
admin -p changeme
sample-cwmp-var-config.xml—Identifies the input file.
OUI-1234—Identifies the ID of the device. The Device ID used here is for example purposes only.
output.xml—Identifies the file in which to save the processed template in XML format.
bacadmin—Identifies the default username being used in this example.
changeme—Identifies the default password being used in this example
After running the utility, results similar to these should appear:
Broadband Access Center Configuration Utility
Version: 3.0, Revision: 1.26
generating configuration from sample-cwmp-var-config.xml...
output.xml generated successfully.