
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 14 CWMP Device Operations
Managing a Device’s Provisioning Group
Correcting a Device’s Provisioning Group, page 14-8.
In this scenario, the device’s provisioning group in Cisco BAC is incorrect and must be changed only
in Cisco BAC; for example, the device attempts to contact PG1 but is provisioned for PG2 in Cisco
Both use cases are described in detail in the following sections.
Note You cannot change a device’s provisioning group if the DPE cannot connect to the RDU.
Redirecting CPE to Home Provisioning Group
Cisco BAC redirects a device to its home provisioning group by having the provisioning groups
communicate among themselves to find the device’s correct home provisioning group.
When a device attempts to establish a session with a DPE, the DPE searches its cache for an entry related
to that device. If it cannot find an entry for that device, it sends home provisioning group queries to the
DPEs in other provisioning groups.
Note If the home provisioning group is down or is not responding, the DPE that receives the Inform message
returns the 503 Service Unavailable error along with the Retry-After header. Thereafter, the session with
the device is dropped.
To select the best available DPE in each provisioning group, the DPE maintains the status data of all
other DPEs in the deployment. The DPE sends a status request at configured time intervals to update its
knowledge of the state of other provisioning groups.
Each state has a corresponding integer value. The higher the value, the better the state of the provisioning
group. The DPE, using its knowledge of the current state of other DPEs, selects a DPE in the highest
state in each provisioning group.
After sending the home provisioning group query, the DPE waits for a response from the other
provisioning groups. If a provisioning group responds that the device belongs to its group, then the DPE
redirects the device to its home provisioning group.
Figure 14-4 highlights the basic flow when a device attempts to establish a session with the wrong
provisioning group.