
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 8 CPE History and Troubleshooting
Device Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting information is stored centrally at the RDU and is maintained for each device. The DPEs
do not store this data. Instead, the DPE forwards this information to the RDU which writes it to the
device log file, troubleshooting.log, in the <BPR_DATA>/rdu/logs directory when it receives this
If the connection from the DPE to the RDU is lost, any new troubleshooting events occurring on the DPE
are discarded. The logging of troubleshooting information resumes only after the RDU-DPE connection
is restored.
The troubleshooting.log file is different from other log files such as rdu.log, dpe.log, and audit.log. The
troubleshooting.log file only logs detailed troubleshooting information relating to a specific set of
devices in the troubleshooting mode.
Note The tracking feature is turned off until one or more devices are added to the troubleshooting group.
When you enable or disable troubleshooting on a specific device, the change takes place immediately at
all servers (RDU and DPEs); you do not have to reboot the RDU or the DPEs. The log files on the
respective servers lists the current list of devices in the troubleshooting mode.
Caution Additional memory and disk space is required whenever the device troubleshooting feature is used. As
the number of tracked devices increases, so does the amount of memory and disk space that is required
to support the number of logs that are created.
Configuring Device Troubleshooting
The Device Troubleshooting feature is disabled until one or more devices are put into troubleshooting
mode. This section describes how you can enable or disable troubleshooting for a device from the
administrator user interface. It also describes how to view a list of devices in troubleshooting mode and
how to view troubleshooting log for a given device.
You can configure the maximum number of devices in troubleshooting mode to prevent inadvertently
putting too many devices in this mode, and thus, diminishing server performance. By default, this
number is set at 100.
To configure the maximum number of the devices allowed in troubleshooting mode from the
administrator user interface, click the Systems Defaults page using the Configuration > Defaults tabs.
Enter a value in the Maximum Troubleshooting Device Count field.
Enabling Troubleshooting for a Device
To enable troubleshooting for a device, the device must be preregistered in the Cisco BAC RDU. If the
device is not yet preregistered, add the device from the Manage Devices page by clicking the Add button.
For information on adding devices, see Adding Device Records, page 16-11.
To enable troubleshooting for a device that already resides in the RDU database:
Step 1 From the Manage Devices page, click the Search Type drop-down list, and select the Device Identifier
Option Search option. You can use the wildcard function for this search. (See Table 16-1.)
Step 2 Click Search.
A list of devices appears.