
SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 229
Voice tab > Regional page
Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec section
Voice tab > Regional page
Control Timer Values (sec) section
Ring Waveform Waveform for the ringing signal: Sinusoid or Trapezoid.
Default: Trapezoid
Ring Frequency Frequency of the ringing signal. Valid values are 10–100 (Hz).
Default: 0
Ring Voltage Ringing voltage. 60–90 (V).
Default: 85
CWT Frequency Frequency script of the call waiting tone. All distinctive CWTs
are based on this tone.
Default: 440@-10
Hook Flash Timer Min Minimum on-hook time before off-hook qualifies as hook-
flash. Less than this the on-hook event is ignored. Range: 0.1–
0.4 seconds.
Default: .1
Hook Flash Timer Max Maximum on-hook time before off-hook qualifies as hook-
flash. More than this the on-hook event is treated as on-hook
(no hook-flash event). Range: 0.4–1.6 seconds.
Default: .9
Callee On Hook Delay Phone must be on-hook for at this time in sec before the
SPA9000 tears down the current inbound call. It does not
apply to outbound calls. Range: 0–255 seconds.
Default: 0
Reorder Delay Delay after far end hangs up before reorder tone is played. 0
= plays immediately, inf = never plays. Range: 0–255
Default: 5
Call Back Expires Expiration time in seconds of a call back activation. Range: 0–
65535 seconds.
Default: 1800