
Configuring Phone Lines and Calling Routing Behavior
Configuring Line Interfaces on the SPA9000
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 62
STEP 5 Also in the Proxy and Registration section, enter the following settings to ensure
that calls can be transferred and forwarded to the voice mail server:
VMSP Bridge
to all (required if this line is being used for SPA400 voice mail
XFER Bridge Mode
to all.
CFWD Bridge Mode
to all.
SIP Port: You can keep the default value. Each line must have a unique SIP port
(5060 for Line 1, 5061 for Line 2, 5062 for Line 3, 5064 for Line 4).
Contact List: The default value is aa, for the Auto Attendant. As a general
practice, you should leave the default value until after you confirm that the line
is registered in the Voice > Info page, Line Status section, Registration State
field. Then you can configure the contact list. For more information, see
“Managing Inbound Calls with the Contact List,” on page 85.
STEP 6 Proceed as needed:
If you are using this SPA400 for voice mail service, continue to Step 7.
If you are using this SPA400 for PSTN access only, click Submit All Changes to
finish this procedure. You will need to configure the SPA400. For more
information, see “Configuring a SPA400 to Interoperate with the SPA9000,” on
page108 and “Configuring a SPA400 for PSTN Access,” on page111.
STEP 7 Enter the following settings for the SPA400 voice mail service:
Mailbox Deposit URL: 900@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to deposit voice mail on the voice mail server.
Mailbox Manage URL: 800@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to access voice mail on the voice mail server.
Mailbox Subscribe URL: 8888@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to subscribe to voice mail service on the voice
mail server.
Mailbox Subscribe Expires: 30
This setting ensures that the SPA9000 and the SPA400 voice mail server are
resynchronized every 30 seconds, and prevents problems when you make
changes in the settings.