Configuring Phone Lines and Calling Routing Behavior
Configuring Line Interfaces on the SPA9000
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 62
STEP 5 Also in the Proxy and Registration section, enter the following settings to ensure
that calls can be transferred and forwarded to the voice mail server:
• Set
VMSP Bridge
to all (required if this line is being used for SPA400 voice mail
• Set
XFER Bridge Mode
to all.
• Set
CFWD Bridge Mode
to all.
• SIP Port: You can keep the default value. Each line must have a unique SIP port
(5060 for Line 1, 5061 for Line 2, 5062 for Line 3, 5064 for Line 4).
• Contact List: The default value is aa, for the Auto Attendant. As a general
practice, you should leave the default value until after you confirm that the line
is registered in the Voice > Info page, Line Status section, Registration State
field. Then you can configure the contact list. For more information, see
“Managing Inbound Calls with the Contact List,” on page 85.
STEP 6 Proceed as needed:
• If you are using this SPA400 for voice mail service, continue to Step 7.
• If you are using this SPA400 for PSTN access only, click Submit All Changes to
finish this procedure. You will need to configure the SPA400. For more
information, see “Configuring a SPA400 to Interoperate with the SPA9000,” on
page108 and “Configuring a SPA400 for PSTN Access,” on page111.
STEP 7 Enter the following settings for the SPA400 voice mail service:
• Mailbox Deposit URL: 900@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to deposit voice mail on the voice mail server.
• Mailbox Manage URL: 800@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to access voice mail on the voice mail server.
• Mailbox Subscribe URL: 8888@
<IP address of SPA400>
The SPA9000 uses this address to subscribe to voice mail service on the voice
mail server.
• Mailbox Subscribe Expires: 30
This setting ensures that the SPA9000 and the SPA400 voice mail server are
resynchronized every 30 seconds, and prevents problems when you make
changes in the settings.