SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 238
Time Zone Selects the number of hours to add to GMT to generate the
local time for caller ID generation. Choices are GMT-12:00,
GMT-11:00,…, GMT, GMT+01:00, GMT+02:00, …, GMT+13:00.
Default: GMT-08:00
FXS Port Impedance Sets the electrical impedance of the FXS port. Choices are
600, 900, 600+2.16uF, 900+2.16uF, 270+750||150nF,
220+850||120nF, 220+820||115nF, or
Default: 600
Daylight Saving Time
Enter the rule for calculating daylight saving time; it should
include the start, end, and save values. This rule is comprised
of three fields. Each field is separated by ; (a semicolon) as
shown below. Optional values inside [ ] (the brackets) are
assumed to be 0 if they are not specified. Midnight is
represented by 0:0:0 of the given date.
start = <start-time>; end=<end-
time>; save = <save-time>
The <start-time> and <end-time> values specify the start
and end dates and times of daylight saving time. Each value is
in this format: <month> /<day> / <weekday>[/HH:[mm[:ss]]]