Configuring Your System for ITSP Interoperability
Network Address Translation (NAT) and Voice over IP (VoIP)
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 51
Voice tab > Line N > NAT Settings
Click Submit All Changes.
NOTE You also need to configure the firewall settings on your router to allow SIP
traffic. See “Firewalls and SIP,” on page 54.
Configuring NAT Mapping with STUN
If the ITSP network does not provide a Session Border Controller functionality, and
if other requirements are met, it is possible to use STUN as a mechanism to
discover the NAT mapping. This option is considered a practice of last resort and
should be used only if the other methods are unavailable.
• STUN is a viable option only if your router uses asymmetric NAT. See
“Determining Whether the Router Uses Symmetric or Asymmetric NAT,” on
page 53.
• You must have a computer running STUN server software.
• The LAN switch must be configured to enable Spanning Tree Protocol and Port
Fast on the ports to which the SPA devices are connected.
NOTE Use NAT mapping only if the ITSP network does not provide a Session Border
Controller functionality.
STEP 1 Connect to the administration web server, and choose Admin access with
Advanced settings.
STEP 2 Click Voice tab > SIP.