Sending a message directly to a user’s voicemail ______________
You can record a message and send it directly to the voicemail of one or more TeleVantage
1. Choose File > New > Voice Message. The New Message window opens.
2. Click the recipients who you want receive the message in the Available Users list.
Hold down the CTRL key as you click to select multiple users. If you select a
workgroup or a queue, the message is sent to every user within the workgroup or
3. Click Add to move the selected users to the Recipients list.
4. Use the audio controls to record the message. For instructions, see “Using the audio
controls” on page 8-26.
5. Select any of the following options:
Q Private. The voice message is marked Private and cannot be shared by the
Q Urgent. The voice message is marked Urgent.
6. In Notes, type any notes that you want to accompany the message. The notes appear
in the Notes column of the recipients’ Voicemail folders.
7. Click Send to send the message.