
Using Point-to-Point protocol
By default TeleVantage is configured to use Multipoint protocol with ISDN BRI spans. To
specify Point-to-Point protocol for each ISDN BRI span via the TeleVantage Administrator, see
Using ISDN BRI point-to-point protocol in Chapter 5 in Administering TeleVantage.
Also, perform the following procedure for each BRI board:
1. Stop the Intel Dialogic drivers if they are running. See Appendix D, Using the Intel
Dialogic Configuration Manager for instructions.
2. Double-click the board in the DCM main dialog box.
3. On the Misc tab, select the
Firmware parameter. In the Value text box, enter
4. On the Telephony Bus tab, make sure that the
PCMEncoding parameter is set to
5. Click
If you are using a T1 service with a framing type of extended superframe, go to the next section.
Otherwise, perform any other required board-specific configuration steps described in the table
on page 7-19. When you are done, go to Test-starting the Intel Dialogic drivers on page 7-33.
Configuring Robbed Bit T1 trunk boards for extended superframe
Perform the steps in this section only if you are using a Robbed Bit T1 service with a framing
type of extended superframe (B8ZS/ESF.) You do not need to perform this procedure if you
have Robbed Bit T1 using AMI/SF.
Perform the following procedure for each Robbed Bit T1 trunk board in your system.
If you performed this procedure after installing a previous version of TeleVantage,
you will need to repeat it after upgrading to a new version because the file that you modified
(Spandti.prm) was overwritten by the upgrade. See Installing Intel Dialogic SR 5.1.1 on
page 7-6 for more information about managing modified .prm and .cdp files.
1. Start the Intel Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) if it is not already running. See
See Appendix D, Using the Intel Dialogic Configuration Manager for instructions.
2. In the DCM main dialog box, double-click the first Robbed Bit T1 trunk board.
3. Click the Misc tab.
4. Select the
ParameterFile parameter.