Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
About This Guide
This book describes the features of the HSZ80 Array Controller, configuration
procedures for the controller and storagesets running Array Controller Software
(ACS) 8.3Z, and the CLI commands used in configuring.
This book does not contain information about the operating environments to which
the controller may be connected, nor does it contain detailed information about
subsystem enclosures or their components. See the documentation that accompanied
those peripherals for information about them.
Getting Help
If you have a problem and have exhausted the information in this reference guide, you
can get further information and other help in the following locations.
Compaq Website
The Compaq Website has information on this product as well as the latest drivers and
Flash ROM images. You can access the Compaq website by logging on to the Internet
at http://www.compaq.com.
Telephone Numbers
For Compaq technical support:
In the United States and Canada, call 1-800-652-6672.
For Compaq technical support phone numbers outside the United States and Canada,
visit the Compaq Website at: http://www.compaq.com.