
Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
Specify POLICY=BEST_FIT to choose a replacement disk drive from the spareset
that equals or exceeds the base member size (smallest disk drive at the time the
mirrorset was initialized). If there is more than one disk drive in the spareset that
meets the criteria, the controller selects a disk drive with the best performance. This
switch is not valid if DT_SUPPORT is enabled.
Specify POLICY=BEST_PERFORMANCE to choose a replacement disk drive from
the spareset with the best performance. The controller attempts to select a disk on a
different port than existing mirrorset members. If there is more than one disk drive in
the spareset matching the best performance criteria, the controller selects a disk drive
that equals or exceeds the base member size. This switch is not valid if
DT_SUPPORT is enabled.
Specify NOPOLICY to prevent the controller from automatically replacing a failed
disk device. The mirrorset operates in a reduced state until a POLICY=BEST_FIT or
POLICY=BEST_PERFORMANCE is selected, or a member is manually placed in
the mirrorset (see “SET mirrorset-name,” page 5–112).
Selects the mirrorset member used by the controller to satisfy a read request. A
member with REMOTE set may be selected.
Specify the READ_SOURCE=disk-name of a specific member to which you want the
controller to direct all read requests. If the member fails out of the mirrorset, the
controller selects the first normal member it finds to satisfy its read requests.
Specify READ_SOURCE=LEAST_BUSY to direct read requests to the local
mirrorset disk with the least amount of work in its queue. If multiple disks have
equally short queues, the controller queries normal local disks for each read request as
it would when READ_SOURCE= ROUND_ROBIN is specified. If no normal local
disk exists, then the controller will query the remote disks.