5–64 CLI Commands
The default chunk size for storagesets with less than nine members is 256 blocks, or
128 kilobytes (K). The default chunk size for storagesets with more than nine
members is 128 blocks, or 64K. The default values provide optimal storageset
performance for a wide variety of applications. A chunk size less than 128 blocks
(64K) is not recommended.
IMPORTANT: Accept the default chunk size setting for most applications. Do not
change the default setting unless you are fully aware of the impact to the storag-
eset’s performance.
See the “Chunk Size,” page 3–51, for information regarding recommended chunk size
settings for your application.
DESTROY (Default)
Controls how the metadata on the initialized container is to be handled.
NOTE: The DESTROY and NODESTROY switches are only valid with stripesets and
Specify NODESTROY to preserve forced error metadata during the initialization
process. Use the NODESTROY switch only when a unit is to be created from disk
drives reduced from mirrorsets. This allows the data on the container to be accessed
by a disk, stripeset, or mirrorset unit. The NODESTROY switch is not valid for
RAIDsets and single-disk configurations.
Specify DESTROY to overwrite user data and forced error flags during the
Instructs the controller whether to save the controller’s configuration to the container
being initialized.