Checking an OOM
Checking an OOM
The procedure that generates .java Java source files or PowerBuilder objects
starts by checking the validity of the OOM. If an error is found, the files are
not generated.
Object parameters verified by Check model
The Check Model verifies the validity of the following objects in an OOM:
Object Parameter
Classes Class name and code uniqueness and length
Class must have either attribute or operation
Class is not declared as private
Class constructor has no return type specified
Class constructor cannot have modifiers
Class constructor cannot be not declared as static, abstract or
Interfaces Interface name and code uniqueness and length
Interface must have either attribute or operation
Interface cannot have constructors
Attribute Attribute name and code uniqueness and length
Data type has a not-null and not-void data type
Attribute must have value assigned
Attribute must be initialized
Operation Operation name and code uniqueness and length
Operation must have a not-null return type
Operation parameter must have a not-null and not-void data
Abstract operation cannot have a body
Abstract operation declaration must appear only in an abstract
Association Role name and code uniqueness and length
Realization Redundant realizations. Only one realization is needed to
realize an interface
Generalization Redundant generalization. Only one generalization is needed to
generalize a classifier
Generalization cannot have multiple inheritance (Java only)
Generalization cannot have circular inheritance
BeanInfo class BeanInfo class must have a corresponding JavaBean class
Views View name and code uniqueness and length
Incomplete query