Generating a CDM from an OOM
Generating a CDM from an OOM
You can generate a CDM from a global OOM or from a package within the
model. Limiting CDM generation to a single package is useful when different
designers own packages of the same OOM. Designers can generate their
packages independently from others. Generating a package results in an
independent CDM.
You generate a CDM from a diagram in the model.
You can generate a CDM in two ways:
Generate Description
New CDM Creates a new (default) CDM containing the objects translated
from the OOM
Updated CDM Creates a default CDM containing the objects translated from
the OOM that is then merged with an existing CDM. You can
choose to update, delete; or add objects in the existing CDM
(target model) based on modifications made in the default CDM
(source model)
$ For more information on merging two CDM, see the chapter Comparing
and Merging Models in the PowerDesigner General Features Guide.
Generating and updating a CDM
To generate a CDM, you must indicate to generate one of the following:
♦ Generate new Conceptual Data Model
♦ Update an existing Conceptual Data Model
You must indicate the following parameters when you generate a new CDM:
Parameter Description
Name File name for the resulting CDM
Code Reference code for the resulting CDM
Generate new
Conceptual Data