Chapter 7 Generating a Physical Data Model from an Object-Oriented Model
Translating OOM data types for a PDM
PowerDesigner supports both Java and physical data types. Data types that
you select in the OOM are not always supported by the current DBMS. In
this case, the data type is translated to a data type supported by the DBMS
when you generate the PDM.
Translating Java data types for a PDM
The following table lists the Java data types to which the object language file
assigns translations:
Java data
Code in
CDM What it stores
Translation example
for SQL Anywhere
char A Character char
boolean BL Two opposing values
(true/false; yes/no; 1/0)
byte BT 256 values smallint
short SI 16-bit integer integer
integer I 32-bit integer integer
long LI 32-bit integer integer
float F 32-bit floating decimal
double N Numbers with a fixed
decimal point
String TXT Character strings long varchar