Generating objects for PowerBuilder
When generating objects for a PowerBuilder application, you must make a
selection in both the PB library and PB application fields. If PowerBuilder is
not installed on your machine, you cannot generate objects for a
PowerBuilder application.
Option Result of selection
PB library Directory into which PowerDesigner generates PowerBuilder
library files
PB application PowerBuilder application into which you generate PowerBuilder
non-visual objects. If PowerBuilder is not installed on your
machine, no application appears in the list
v To define PowerBuilder generation options:
1 Select Language➤Generate PowerBuilder.
The PowerBuilder User Object Generation dialog box opens.
2 Click the Options tab.
The Options page appears.
3 Select the PBL option, type or select a library directory in the PB library
box, and select an application from the PB application Library listbox.
Click the SRU checkbox, and type or select a directory in which you
want to generate the sru files.