Chapter 4 Reverse Engineering
You can define the following PowerBuilder reverse engineering options:
Option Result of selection
Ignore operation body Reverses PowerBuilder objects without including the
body of the code
Ignore Comments Reverses PowerBuilder objects without including code
Create Symbols Creates a symbol for each object in the diagram.
Otherwise, reversed objects are visible in the browser
Mark Classifiers not to
be generated
Reversed classifiers (classes and interfaces) cannot then
be generated from the model. To be able to generate the
classifier, you must select the Generate checkbox in its
property sheet
Create Associations Creates associations between classes
Libraries Loads the corresponding PowerBuilder model in the
workspace. The Setup program installs these models
with PowerDesigner. They contain the class libraries of
each version of PowerBuilder and are useful to you in
that you can load them quickly into PowerDesigner and
thus save time reversing them
v To define PowerBuilder reverse engineering options:
1 Select Language➤Reverse Engineer PowerBuilder.
The Reverse PowerBuilder dialog box opens.
2 Click the Options tab.