7. Vector Charts
You do not have all the published updates
If you tried to load updates and you
missed one or more updates between
updates already loaded into your
hard disk and the updates that you
are loading, then you get following
The message above indicates that you tried to load update numbers 3, 4 and 5 when at least update 2 and possibly
update 1 were not available in your hard disk. Check the content of your CD ROMs to find the missing
update/updates or contact your chart supplier.
The message above clearly indicates that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements.
Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher immediately.
Unsafe chart has been cancelled by the publisher
If you load an update that contains
instructions from the publisher to
cancel the chart, you get following
Normally, you should accept the cancellation by clicking the Yes button. Then the system automatically removes the
chart from the hard disk and from your chart screen.
You can elect to keep the chart although the publisher of it has told you that the content of the chart is unsafe for use
in navigation. The reason might be that you do not have anything better available. In this case, click the No button.
Then the system automatically removes the ENC status from the chart, because the publisher has told so in his
special cancellation update.
Note that the cancellation message above clearly indicates that the publisher says that this chart is unsafe for
navigation and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher
immediately to replace the unsafe cancelled chart.