7. Vector Charts
Chart page
Black and grey color symbol:
This symbol is used to verify that you can distinguish black (frame of symbol) and
grey (inner part of symbol) colors with current contrast and brilliance settings.
DISP dimmer: Use this control to adjust dimming of display. Text "CALIB"
indicates that dimming of display is set within calibration values.
Palette: Choose appropriate palette for the display depending on the brightness of
the bridge.
Shallow contour: Set value of shallow water contour. For more information, see the
section How to set value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and
Deep Contour on the preceding page.
Safety depth: Set value of safety depth. Spot soundings below the safety depth are
Safety contour: Set value of safety contour. Visible safety contour is equal to set
value or if the contour of set value is not available then the visible safety contour is
next deeper contour than safety contour. For more information, see the section How
to set value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour
on the preceding page.
Note: The system uses safety contour also for chart alerts.
Deep contour: Set deep water contour. For more information, see the section How
to set value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour
on the preceding page.
TM reset: In the true motion mode, own ship moves until it reaches the true motion reset borderline (set here), and
then it jumps back to an opposite position on screen based on its course. Set the limit for TM reset (in percentage).
Appears in the ECDIS mode only.
Chart alert highlight: Set chart alert highlight. For more information, see section 9.1.3 How to highlight chart alert
Symbols: Select how to display chart symbols. The options are:
Simplified: The shape of symbols is of modern design and the sea mark symbols are filled in a color.
Paper Chart: The shape of symbols imitates traditional symbols used in paper charts.
Depths: Set how to display different depth zones on the chart display. For more information, see the section How to
set value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour on the preceding page.
For MULTI COLOUR, the chart display uses four different colors for contours:
• Deeper than user-chosen deep contour
• Between deep contour and user-chosen safety contour
• Between safety contour and user-chosen shallow water contour
• Between shallow water contour and coastline.
For TWO COLOUR, the chart display uses only two colors:
• Deeper than safety contour
• Shallower than safety contour
Boundaries: Set how to display boundaries of some chart features. The options are:
Plain: The line styles are limited to plain solid and dashed lines.
SYMB.: Some of the line styles use symbols to highlight the purpose of a line.