11. How to Monitor Routes
11.2 How to Select TO Waypoint
When the connected Radar is
FURUNO or Radar that
communicates using IEC 61162-1
standard the monitor dialog box
looks like the figure at right. Note
that there is no control for visibility
of monitored route in this dialog
To display this dialog box, choose
Route from the sidebar, then click
the Monitor button.
When you have chosen a route to monitor, the system chooses a next waypoint automatically. Check that the TO
waypoint is the desired one. The chart radar will automatically advance to a next waypoint when you pass the TO
The chart radar automatically sets the last waypoint of your monitored route as the final waypoint.
To choose TO waypoint, do the following:
1. Open the Monitor Route dialog box, choose Route from the sidebar, then click the Monitor button.
2. Put the cursor in the TO WPT box, then spin the scrollwheel to choose desired WPT.
3. Push the scrollwheel to confirm your selection.
11.3 How to Select Final Waypoint
Normally you use the last waypoint in a monitored route as the final waypoint, and the chart radar automatically
does this when you choose the route to monitor. However, sometimes you can prefer to use some other waypoint as
the final waypoint of a monitored route.
To choose a waypoint as final waypoint, do the following:
1. Open the Monitor Route dialog box; choose Route from the sidebar, then click the Monitor button.
2. Put the cursor in the Final WPT box, spin the scrollwheel to choose a waypoint.
3. Push the scrollwheel to confirm your selection.