1. Operational Overview
Floppy dIsk
1.1.2 Chart processor unit
The chart processor unit is responsible for the loading,
storing, updating and processing of electronic sea
charts, with the DVD-ROM drive or floppy disk drive.
The DVD-ROM and floppy disk drives are behind the
lid on the front panel.
Note: Do not operate the ECDIS with a media
(FD/CD/DVD) inserted in its drive, to prevent damage
to the drive and media. Remove media from its drive
after usage. Insert media only to do operations such as
backing up data, updating charts, and the like. After
completion, remove the media from its drive and store
it in its case, BEFORE using the ECDIS. Store media
out of direct sunlight, in a place where temperature and
humidity are moderate and stable.
1.2 How to Turn the Power On/Off
Normally, leave the power switch at the rear of the chart processor on and control power on/off with the POWER
key on a control unit. Note that the display unit is powered independently.
After power is applied, the Windows program starts up and about one minute later the bearing scale appears. The
radar then goes into three minutes of warm-up time to warm the magnetron, which transmits radar pulses. The timer
counts the time remaining for warm-up. When the timer has reached 0:00, the indication "ST-BY" appears at the
screen center, meaning the radar is now ready to transmit pulses.
In the stand-by condition, markers, rings, map, charts, etc. are not shown. Further, neither TT nor AIS is active.
If the power is reapplied after the equipment was in the ECDIS mode, Windows starts up and about two minutes
later the ECDIS display appears.
Parameters set on the menus are stored in a non-volatile memory (hard disk) and are preserved when the power is
turned off.
Note: If the ambient temperature is less than 0°C (32°F) when the power is applied, nothing appears on the display.
This is because the heater is warming the chart processor unit. The display appears in approx. 10 minutes.
Transmitter ON
After the power is turned on and the magnetron has warmed
up, ST-BY appears at the screen center, meaning the radar is
ready to transmit radar pulses. You can transmit by pushing
the STBY/TX key on the full keyboard, or use the trackball
to select the TX STBY box at the bottom left corner of the
display then push the left button. The label at the left-hand
side of the guidance area at the bottom right corner of the
screen changes from TX to STBY.
The radar is initially set to previously used range and pulse
length. Other settings such as brilliance levels, VRMs, EBLs
and menu option selections are also set to previous settings.
The STBY/TX key (or TX STBY box) toggles the radar between STBY and TRANSMIT state. The antenna stops
in stand-by and rotates in transmit. The magnetron ages with time resulting in a reduction of output power.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that the radar be set to stand-by when not used for an extended period of time.