10. How to Plan Routes
10.3.1 How to process waypoints
Following fields and buttons can be found in the WPT page.
Enable changes:
Check to edit waypoints.
Note: Routes can only be modified in the North-up or Course-up mode.
Each waypoint has a number.
You can name each waypoint.
WPTs latitude co-ordinate is displayed in chosen datum.
WPTs longitude co-ordinate is displayed in chosen datum.
Bearing of leg
Leg's length (nm)
Define steering mode, rhumb line or great circle, for each leg.
Define turning radius for each waypoint.
Ch LIM/m :
Define channel limit for each leg.
Define extension for channel to be checked against selected alerts.
(Spd) MIN/kn:
Define minimum speed of ship used with a leg.
(Spd) MAX/kn:
Define maximum speed of ship used with a leg.
Insert before:
Insert a new waypoint before the current waypoint.
Insert after:
Add a new waypoint after current waypoint. You can define direction and distance for next
waypoint. (If the waypoint is not the last waypoint in a route, the button name changes to
Adjust after).
Delete WPT:
Delete current waypoint.
Import new waypoints from already existing routes into your current route.
Reverse route:
Reverse sailing order of the entire route.
Display all:
Center line, channel borders, WPT marks and leg marks are made visible on top of the
electronic chart.