206 Appendix A Acronyms and abbreviations EN
MB Megabyte
MEM Memory
MIO Modular input/output
MP pickup roller Multipurpose tray pick-up roller
MP Tray Multipurpose tray
MSDS Material safety data sheets
NVRAM Nonvolatile random-access memory
Ohm A unit of measure of electrical resistance
OHT Overhead transparency
PCA Printed-circuit assembly
PCB Printed-circuit board
PCL Printer command language
PC pickup roller Paper-cassette pickup roller
PJL Printer job language
PS Photosensor
RAM Random-access memory
RIP Raster image process
ROM Read-only memory
SIMM Single inline memory module
SL Solenoid
SPEC Specification
TCP/IP Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
TS Thermoswitch
UNIX Network operating system using TCP/IP protocol
URL Universal resource locator
VDC Volts direct current
VFD Vacuum fluorescent display
Acronyms and abbreviations (continued)