Chapter 6 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
If JAM-A occurs often
If JAM-A occurs often, check out the cause and take necessary actions
according to the table below.
2. Carefully pull the jammed media
toward yourself.
X Do not forcibly pull the media
when it is not likely to come out.
X Look into the holder for the paper
tray, and visually check out to see if
any media or its fragments are left.
If you succeed in pulling out the
media, go to step (3). If not, remove
the media from the rear of the
printer in accordance with removal
procedure for JAM-B.
3. Make sure that the four corners of
the media are set firmly in the
paper tray. Then, put back the
paper tray.
Item Possible cause Action Page
Paper tray Too many sheets of
media are loaded.
Limit the amount of
media in the tray so it is
below the sheet limit indi-
cation inside the tray.
The media guide posi-
tion does not match the
media size.
Adjust the media guide
position to match the
media size.
Inside of the
The print media is stuck
inside the printer.
Remove the stuck media. 6-8
The print media remains
behind the back cover or
inside the media feeder
Remove the media