Getting Started 4-4
Monitoring the Instrument 4-11
Example Programs 4-16
Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands 4-31
Command Trees 4-37
Common Commands 4-42
CALCulate Subsystem Commands 4-45
CALibration Subsystem Commands 4-68
DISPlay Subsystem Commands 4-71
FORMat Subsystem Commands 4-76
HCOPy Subsystem Commands 4-77
INITiate Subsystem Commands 4-78
MEMory Subsystem Commands 4-79
MMEMory Subsystem Commands 4-80
SENSe Subsystem Commands 4-81
SOURce[n] Subsystem Commands 4-90
STATus Subsystem Commands 4-91
SYSTem Subsystem Commands 4-93
TRACe Subsystem Commands 4-95
TRIGger Subsystem Commands 4-99
UNIT Subsystem Commands 4-101
HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents 4-102
Remote Operation
book.book Page 1 Monday, January 31, 2000 10:34 AM