
Remote Operation
DISPlay Subsystem Commands
DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric_value>[DB]
Specifies the dB per division of the vertical scale. Y1 refers to the left (power)
scale, and Y2 refers to the right (ratio) scale.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:RLEVel <numeric_value>[DBM|W|UW|NW|MW|DB]
Specifies the power value of the reference level. Default units are set by the
UNIT:POWer command for Y1 and the UNIT:RATio command for Y2.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2}[:SCALe]:RPOSition <numeric value>
Selects the position at which the reference level is displayed. The top and bot-
tom graticule lines correspond to 10 and 0, respectively. The default is 9.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:SPACing LINear|LOGarithmic
Specifies the scaling of the vertical axis as logarithmic or linear. In LOG scale,
the scale in dB per division is specified by the DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe
:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision command.
The maximum value for the vertical scale is 20 dB per division for the power scale or the
ratio scale. The minimum value is 0.01 dB per division. The Preset value is 10 dB per divi-
The maximum value for the power reference level is the equivalent of +300 dBm. The
minimum value is 300 dBm. The Preset value for the power reference level is 0 dBm.
The maximum value for the ratio reference level is 270 dB. The minimum value is
330 dB. The Preset value for the ratio reference level is 0 dB.
book.book Page 75 Monday, January 31, 2000 10:34 AM