Remote Operation
TRACe Subsystem Commands
TRACe[:DATA][:Y][:POWer] TRA|TRB|TRC|TRD|TRE|TRF,<data_block>
Sets the Y-axis data points for the trace. The number of Y-axis data points is
determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If a single numeric value is given, all
of the Y-axis data points will be set to that value. If more than one value is
sent, the trace length will be set to the number of values sent.
This command should be used where trace data represents power. The trace
data format to be used with this command is determined by the FORMat sub-
Sets the Y-axis data points for the trace. The number of Y-axis data points is
determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If a single numeric value is given, all
the Y-axis data points will be set to that value. If more than one value is sent,
the trace length will be set to the number of values sent.
This command should be used when the trace data represents a power ratio
(unitless number). The trace data format to be used with this command is
determined by the FORMat subsystem.
Exchanges both the X-axis and Y-axis data of the two traces. The only trace
pairs that can be exchanged are TRA with any trace, and TRB with TRC. Spec-
ifying any other trace will generate an “Illegal parameter value” error.
The TRACe:FEED:CONTrol of the two traces is set to NEVer before the data is
exchanged. Both X-axis and Y-axis data will be exchanged. After the data is
exchanged, the TRACe:FEED:CONTrol of the two traces is left at NEVer.
Changing the X-axis data in a trace used in an expression
may cause an error in the expression if the
X-axis data in the operands of the expression no longer match.
book.book Page 97 Monday, January 31, 2000 10:34 AM