Other Manuals
The HP 5000 D640 Installation Manual, C5620-90015 (English version) guides you through
unpacking, setup, testing, and configuration of your printer.
The HP 5000 D640 Technical Reference Manual, C5620-90000, is a guide to using fonts and
the PCL and PJL emulations on the D640. It also documents additional aspects of printer usage
in detail.
The HP 5000 D640 Service Manual, C5620-90013, is a comprehensive technical reference to
all mechanical and electronic components in the printer. The Service Manual helps you per-
form fault diagnosis and isolation, then guides you through replacement of subassemblies.
The PCL/PJL Technical Library, 5021-0330, which contains:
The PCL Comparison Guide, 5010-3998
The PJL Technical Reference Manual, 5010-3999
The PCL5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual, 5961-0509