Chapter 7 | Optimizing your HP Jornada | 103
• Desktop PC with a 486/66 or higher processor
• 2X or faster CD-ROM drive
• VGA or higher resolution graphics card
• Web browser (Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet
Explorer 2.0 or higher)
Explore the HP Jornada Handheld PC compact disc to enjoy these free
software programs. For more information about a particular program, go to
the Web site of the manufacturer of that program.
Many other useful programs are available from the Hewlett-Packard Web site
at www.hp.com/jornada. Hewlett-Packard does not support the use of
programs that have not been certified by Microsoft.
Typically, you install software to your H/PC by first loading the installation
files onto your desktop PC, as described in the following procedure.
If a program is designed for direct installation, you may be able to download or install
the program from the Web to your HPJornada. The Web site should provide instructions
for installing the program.
To install software
1. Download the software program or installer from the Web to your
desktop PC.
Insert the floppy disk or compact disc into the appropriate drive on
your desktop PC.
2. Connect your HP Jornada to your desktop PC using the docking
cradle or sync cable and establish a partnership. (For more informa-
tion, see chapter 4.).
3. If the program includes an installer program (typically named
Setup.exe or Install.exe), double-click the installer program on the
desktop PC. The installer program will copy the necessary files to
your HP Jornada.
If the program does not have an associated installer or setup
program, drag the program file (typically an *.exe file type) to the
HP Jornada icon in the Mobile Devices window. If the No converter
selected dialog box appears, click OK to copy the file without